Now you can move your blog to a new host - EDUCATION FOR ALL

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Now you can move your blog to a new host

1scholar was experiencing some downtime and slow server issues with my previous host (I will write about how to choose a good host soon). As a consequence I was forced to move to a faster and more reliable one. Despite my worries that something would certainly get messed on the transfer the move was really smooth. In the below lines I have provided some useful steps that you should follow to transfer your blog to a new host. By following these steps you will be transferred to a new host without losing any data and without experiencing any downtime. These are given below,
  1. First of all disable the WordPress Cache and the WP-Cache plugin if you use it
  2. Now use the FTP application to copy all your site files from the old host
  3. After you have completed the second step next you need to backup your MySQL database (you can use phpMyAdmin to do this)
  4. In the 4th steps you have to delete all the files inside the Wp-Content/Cache/ folder
  5. After you have deleted all the files, next you will need to upload all the site files to the new host
  6. Create a new MySQL Database on the new host, and import all the tables from your backup
  7. Change the wp-config.php file with the new user name, password and database name
  8. Change the DNS of your domain to the nameservers of the new host
It will take up to 48 hours for the new DNS to propagate across the Internet (sometimes it can be much faster), once all the search engine bots and visitors are being directed to the new host you can shut the old one down.
If after you make the transfer you start to get 404 errors on the links you should update the Permalink structure on the Control Panel and make sure that the new host has Mod Rewrite enabled.

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